Student / Parent Directory

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to get a hold of “Johnny’s mom” or “Suzie’s dad” so you could arrange a playdate or invite them to your child’s birthday party?

In case you didn’t know, we have a Student/Parent Directory at! You can search by student’s first or last name, full name, their grade, or their teacher.

(Note: the school registrar doesn’t update the roster in HelpAtSchools until late September, so there may be a delay in searching for current class lists before then. Once they update the class lists, they will send an invitation so you can become a member of if you haven’t already – it’s free!)

Because of this delay, the PTSA encourages all parents and guardians of Meadowlark students to update or create their HelpAtSchools account information at the beginning of each school year. (When registering, please use the email address you have on file with the school/BVSD.)

Have questions? Reach out to any board member or email