PTSA President

Amanda Foster has been a Meadowlark parent since 2017 and is the mom of THREE students – now in 7th, 4th, and Kindergarten! She also has two fur babies, Dutch and Otis (the sweetest chocolate lab pups!). Her husband, Randy, is pretty awesome too!

Amanda has served on the Board in various roles for the past four years and played a HUGE part in orchestrating our Gala fundraisers that resulted in donations of $50,000 (Spring 2022) and $55,000 (Spring 2023) to Meadowlark! This year she’s our PTSA President.

Some fun facts about Amanda:

  1. She has a severe dislike for even numbers
  2. She recently ran her first sub-30-minute 5K in the Eerie Erie
  3. She broke 3 bones in her hand playing volleyball in high school
  4. She managed to solve Wordle in 1 try – once (she was clearly on-point that day!)

Fall is her favorite season and she’s definitely an early bird. Some of her special talents are that she can wiggle her ears and she’s LOVES science. Did you know she has a degree in Chemistry? Another good thing to know is that Amanda loves all things breakfast: eggs, french toast, omelets, and hash browns are some of her favorites! Oh, and she’s a master at themed pancakes! Hearts, bunnies, turkeys, reindeer… You name it and she can do it! Want to experience her famous crispy bacon? You’d be in for a treat!

While work and the kids’ sports keep her family hopping most of the time, she also loves playing games and doing puzzles!

Friends describe her as:

  1. Caring & Generous
  2. Hard-working
  3. Determined
  4. Funny

When asked why she joined the PTSA as a board member, she replied:

“I joined the PTSA to help make the school experience the best I possibly could for my kids and other kids. I wanted to be a part of a community that is so critical to the development of my kids’ future.  I also wanted to learn more about Meadowlark, and from others in our community.”

Her favorite thing about Meadowlark?

“The staff. They are simply the best and do amazing things for the kids they are entrusted with.”

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